Trace the earliest references to the existence of artificial intelligence:

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Although the term Artificial Intelligence or AI is relatively new , the concept of non human, artificially made creatures exhibiting human intelligence and emotions can hardly be called new.It can betraced back to mythological tales.the earliest one being a love story from ancient times ,purportedly, written by north african, philostephanus about 2300 years ago.his original story is rumoured to the basis for ovids famous tale ,rewritten about 2000 years ago as pygmalion and the statue,according to the story pygmalion was a  sculptor who carved a statue of a beautiful woman out of ivory and then fell inwith her.his love and desire was soo strong that his pleas to the godess venue were answered and she came to life.he married her and they had a son named paphos. intelligence and life from ivory in this case.

Its not only instance of artificial life through the ages.Early judaism mythology also tells the atories of golems or basically creatures made from inanimate matter such as dust and kneaded into life.This one is the earliest mentions of golem found in ancient history.The most famous of all golems however isnt adam , its the golem of prague,which the story goes,was created by rabbi of prague to defend the city and the people againist roman attactsers.The golem is said to have become so fierce and violent that emperor of rome, Rudolf 2 , is said to have begged the rabbi to destroy golem and promised to stop the persecution of the Jews.
But noe the jews claim that adam ,the first Artificial ,man.
In modern times FRankeinstein by Marry Shelly is perhaps a more well known story of an intelligence that was created by man.The most common mistake we all make is to think that Frankeinstein was the monster, whereas the book clearly states that Frankeistein was infact the creator of the monster and the correct usage is "Frankeinstein monster".
Going back to the ancienst times we really see the initiation of ancient AI in the process of mechanising human characteristics or functions.One of the earliest such accounts is perhaps from lie yokou, a chineese philosopher who lived around 400 BC. In a text called Leizi he writes of ancient encounter of the king with rather brilliant engineering called yan shi, in around 950 bc. It is said that yan shi brought a creation to his show off to the king. this creation was an artificial figure which walked and sand like a human and even winked at the ladies present. the king was fooled and furios. He ordered the execution of shi and his companion, until shi showed him that his companion was nothing more than a man made construction of leather, wood and glue and a lot of real integral organs.
MNy people also attribute the very beginnings of our quest for AI to greek ,chineese, indian philosophers who first started world on path of deductive reasoning and logic.Many says its logival approach to thinking that led to information and sciences and mathematics whic is very basis of technology- from the humble PCs of today to the intelligent beings we are trying to create tomorrow.



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Coding the  latest  multicore processors is little tricky for programmers. A new language capable of  programming in parallel could make it simpler and make computers more efficient inprocess.

To get the most out of the latest multicore processors a programming language has been designed.If it is accepted by programmers it could provide more powerful softwares for computers.
By analyzing the  latest multicore processors it is clearly evident that microchip makers have shifted from increasing the power of processor cores (the part of the chip that handles the data ans instructions) to adding more cores to the single chip.Processors like i3 and i7 are the examples.
Adding extra cores to a processor is a challenge for programmers , since most of the programming languages were designed for single core processors. so if the coder is not careful error may occur in situation when each core in the processor access the shared section of the memory.

Tucker Taft the chairman of Soft Tech designed this language called parallel specification and implementation language(PARASAIL) designed specially for multicore processors. the main purpose is to avoid pitfalls that typically happens when working with multicore chips.
Parasail looks like a modified java or c#. the difference is that it divides a program in to thousands of tasks which is shared among the cores. Also the debugging is done automatically and everything is done in parallel by default.
It is difficult to say parasail will become widely adopted because microsoft and intel are putting $20 million in adapting the existing languages.
Taft says " it usually takes the size of the sun to push new languages in to the community"



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We have seen many movies, books and other sources where artificial inteligence plays a vital part. By seeing those, many of us wonder if those things happen in reality and my answer is yes.What ever things we thought impossible are becoming possible day by day.Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have now taken a major step towards creating artificial intelligence- not in a robot or a silicon chip, but in a test tube.This is the first research that made artificial neural network out of DNA,creating a circuit of interacting molecules that can recall memories from a incomplete pattern just like a brain.

So we asked, instead of having a physically connected network of neural cells, can a soup of interacting molecules exhibit brain like behavior?
The answer is yes the researchers said.
Four artificial neurons are made form 112 distinct DNA strands. this neural network was subjected to a test in which it is tested to find out four diffident scientists by the clue provided by the human player through fluorescent signals.after various test a conclusion was made that each time it responded correctly.

The DNA based neural network demonstrates the ability to identify an incomplete pattern and figure out what it might represent, it is one of the unique features of brain. Biochemical systems with artificial intelligence can be used in various fields such as medicine,research,chemistry and biological future this system could operate within cells to answer fundamental biological questions and disease diagnosis.It also helps in producing complex chemicals to build new kind of structures.
"Although brainlike behaviors within artificial biochemical systems have been hypothesized for decades" Qian says "they appeared to be very difficult to realize".